  • Explore theatre in a variety of contexts and understand how these contexts inform practice. 
  • Understand and engage in the processes of transforming ideas into action.
  • Develop and apply theatre production, presentation / performance skills, working independently and  collaboratively.
  • Understand and appreciate the relationship between theory and practice. 

Theatre is a dynamic and creative subject that allows students to develop skills applicable to a range of academic disciplines and career options in the future. Universities and employers value theatre arts due to the strong development of communication and interpersonal presentation skills. 

Theatre IB teaches students to organise, promote, plan and facilitate events in order to effectively present creative ideas; skills vital in business management. Students who hope to pursue a degree in Business,   Law, Politics, International Relations, Education, or Radio/Television Journalism , as well as Acting, would be strongly advised to take Theatre as one of their IB subjects.


Syllabus and Assesment

TASK 1 (HL) External Assessment 35% HL Solo Theatre Piece

  • A recorded solo performance of 4-8 minutes based on a chosen practitioner
  • A report of 3000 words
  • A list of all primary and secondary sources cited


TASK 2 (SL / HL) Externally Assessed 35% SL 20% HL Director’s Notebook

  • Full directorial study of play text
  • A Director’s Notebook of 20 pages
  • A list of all sources cited


TASK 3 (SL /HL) Externally Assessed30% SL 20% HL Research Presentation

  • An individual presentation to peers based on an area of World Theatre
  • 15 minute presentation which theoretically & practically demonstrates the chosen area
  • A list of all sources cited


TASK 4 (SL / HL) Internally Assessed30% SL 20% HLCollaborative Project

  • 15 minute original piece of collaborative theatre
  • A 15 page portfolio
  • A list of all sources cited


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