Theatre Arts IB is for those who love to perform, create, design and direct. It is far more than performing to an audience. It is a dynamic and creative subject that requires both independent enquiry together with an inquisitive, creative mindset.
Students experience the world of theatre from contrasting artistic perspectives. They learn to apply both research and theoretical contextualisation as creators, designers, directors and performers. Students of IB Theatre need not have studied Drama at GCSE – as we begin by studying practitioners and their associated working practices. Following this students develop their own solo work in the style of a chosen practitioner From Set to Costume, Lighting design to sound accompaniment, every element of the solo performance is designed and created by the student.
Collaborative approaches are encouraged through the Theatre IA as students work together to become more aware of their own cultural perspectives developing an appreciation of the diversity of theatre practices. Together students work to create a group performance through engagement with different forms of theatre across time, place and culture, promoting an international open-minded approach to the performance. Exploring a play text encourages a theatre student to make directorial decisions relating to acting style and design brief, whilst further considering the technical elements needed to realise artistic intention. World Theatre study promotes cultural diversity.
Theatre is a dynamic and creative subject that allows students to develop skills applicable to a range of academic disciplines and career options in the future. Universities and employers value theatre arts due to the strong development of communication and interpersonal presentation skills.
Theatre IB teaches students to organise, promote, plan and facilitate events in order to effectively present creative ideas; skills vital in business management. Students who hope to pursue a degree in Business, Law, Politics, International Relations, Education, or Radio/Television Journalism , as well as Acting, would be strongly advised to take Theatre as one of their IB subjects.
TASK 1 (HL) External Assessment – 35% HL Solo Theatre Piece
TASK 2 (SL / HL) Externally Assessed – 35% SL 20% HL Director’s Notebook
TASK 3 (SL /HL) Externally Assessed – 30% SL 20% HL Research Presentation
TASK 4 (SL / HL) Internally Assessed – 30% SL 20% HLCollaborative Project