Scarborough College charges school fees termly in advance. They are due in full on the first day of each term. You can pay the school fees via ten monthly direct debit payments. Fees include lunch, games provision and travel, and the use of a Chromebook within and outside of the school.
Full boarding fees include all of the above. Furthermore, they include a full programme of weekend activities throughout the year and transfers on the days provided in the term dates. Fees do not include public and other examination fees.
Please note that as of 1 January 2025, fees will change. Please see the separate download sheet for the new fees including VAT.
Scarborough College families are automatically given a fee discount on more than one child in the school. We apply a 10% sibling discount per sibling.
Scarborough College requires one full term’s notice in writing. If you wish to withdraw your child, please write to the Headmaster. You can find more information on the notice period within the Terms and Conditions.
The Senior Leadership Team and Board of Governors review the fees each year. The Chair of Governors announces the fees for the next Academic Year before the Summer Term of the current Academic Year. For more information, please contact our Business Manager.
For information about our scholarships and how to apply for a bursary, please visit the Scholarships Fees Assistance page. You can find our current Academic Year fees in the download area below. The fees for the next Academic Year will be added in the Summer Term.
A page specific to forces families and CEA is on this Website. Please visit this page if you would like more information about how we look after children whose parents are in the Armed Forces. You can also contact our Registrar.