  • develop an understanding of the biological, cognitive and sociocultural factors affecting mental processes and behaviour
  • apply an understanding of the biological, cognitive and sociocultural factors affecting mental processes and behaviour to at least one applied area of study 
  • understand diverse methods of inquiry 
  • understand the importance of ethical practice in psychological research in general and observe ethical practice in their own inquiries
  • ensure that ethical practices are upheld in all psychological inquiry and discussion
  • develop an awareness of how psychological research can be applied to address real-world problems and promote positive change 
  • provide students with a basis for further study, work and leisure through the use of an additional language foster curiosity, creativity and a lifelong enjoyment of language learning


Syllabus and Assessment

Paper 1 (SL/HL)3 compulsory short answer questions on the Biological, Cognitive and Sociocultural approaches. Three essay choices from the approaches. One essay to be written (50% SL / 40% HL). 2 hours.


Paper 2 (SL/HL)SL to do one essay from the options. HL to do two essays, one from each option (25% SL / 20% HL). SL 1 hour / HL 2 hours.

Option 1: Psychology of Human Relationships

Option 2: Developmental or Abnormal Psychology


Paper 3 (HL)Stimulus material given. 3 compulsory questions (20%). 1 hour.

Students are given a bank of questions which could be asked. They then apply their answer to the stimulus material given.


Internal Assessment (SL/HL) – Word count 1800 – 2200 (25% SL / 20% HL).

Experiment on memory. Internally assessed and externally moderated.


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