At Scarborough System we have a house system where each pupil belongs to a different Academic House. Our pupils belong to one of the the four Academic Houses: Armstrong, Cooper, Crews and Hornby. All four houses were named after former Headmasters of both Scarborough College and Bramcote Prep School.
Pupils can collect points for their House by representing their House in sporting fixtures, subject quizzes and even lip sync battles. When they start, pupils receive an Academic House badge in the colour of their house. The house bagde forms an essential part of the school uniform.
We believe that by representing an Academic House, pupils will feel a sense of belonging to a group that is bigger than their own classroom. But it is also a great way to foster an enjoyable competitive spirit around the school. Lastly, it creates a vital bridge in connecting Day pupils and Boarders, providing especially students new to the College an immediate sense of identity.
With only a two-point margin between them and number two Crews, Armstrong managed to win the house competition in summer 2022. Congratulations to Mrs Heather Adams, Leah Fisk, Tharit M.H. Kahn and everyone in Armstrong House!
Armstrong: Mauricio Lopez Arroniz and Jack Marcroft
Cooper: Bruna Amaral Banevicius C Simoes and Gregor Fraser
Crews: Heidi Maxwell and Laura Lietfien
Hornby: Ponkawee (Tenten) Chiemchanya and Federica Meraviglia Mantegazza