German A Literature (group 1)

The German course aims to encourage students to develop a love of reading and an ability to respond critically to a wide variety of texts. The A1 German Literature course can be studied at Higher Level or Standard Level. In this course, students will focus exclusively on literary texts such as poetry, prose, drama, literary non-fiction or graphic novels adopting a variety of approaches to the reading and criticism of texts.  Students explore the nature of literature, the creative and aesthetic function of literary language and textuality, and the relationship between literature and the world. At Higher Level, students will study 13 texts and at Standard Level students will study 9 texts.

Texts studied: a selection of German texts and poems by Wolf Biermann, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller, Russendisco by Wladimir Kaminer, Andorra by Max Frisch, Brief an den Vater by Franz Kafka, Der Besuch der alten Dame by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, Der Vorleser by Bernhard Schlink, Zonenkinder by Jana Hensel; and world literature – Ein Elefant veschwindet by Haruki Murakami, Das Hundeherz by Michael Bulgakow, 1984 by George Orwell, Report der Magd by Margaret Atwood, Das neue Buch Genesis by Bernhard Becket.

  • To gain a wide range of knowledge about literature and the ways in which meaning is communicated by writers.
  • To become more aware of the perspectives of others through their studies and to develop a stronger sense of their own individual viewpoints, such as their position in time and place.
  • To have the ability to analyse literary texts in detail both orally and in writing
  • To develop an understanding of how a range of texts can relate to a student’s personal circumstances.
  • To become critical readers.
  • To be able to reflect on their own responses to texts.
  • To foster a lifelong love of, and appreciation for, literature.


Syllabus and Assessment

Paper 1

SL – 75 minutes (35%). Guided Analysis. Analysis of one unseen literary text from a choice of two. One guiding question.

HL – 135 minutes (35%). Guided  Analysis. Analysis of 2 unseen literary  texts. No choice. 1 guiding question.


Paper 2

SL – 105 minutes (35%). Comparative Essay. Compare two texts from anywhere in the course. Choice of 4 generic questions.

HL – 105 minutes (25%). Comparative Essay. Compare two texts from anywhere in the course. Choice of 4 generic questions.


Individual Oral

SL – 10 minutes to present and 5 minutes teacher questions (30%). Presentation on any two texts one of which must be in translation. This will focus on the ways in which texts present a global concern and will include detailed analysis of an extract from each work.

HL – 10 minutes to present and 5 minutes teacher questions (20%). Presentation on any two texts one of which must be in translation. This will focus on the ways in which texts present a global concern and will include detailed analysis of an extract from each work.



HL only –Literary essay on any text. 1200 – 1500 words (20%)


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